planning, by its very nature, implies an element of uncertainty given the
difficulty of acquiring prior knowledge of all the historical, artistic
and structural components of the artefact before physically treating it.
This factor makes it difficult to precisely evaluate the necessary treatments
and assess their overall cost. Despite this, both for scientific and planning
reasons and for more strictly economic and organizational reasons, our intention
is to limit the unknown factors to the minimum.
this end, precise and systematic preliminary studies are being carried
out that provide the many fundamental indications necessary to decide
how best to direct the treatment operations of the project during its
elaboration. Investigations carried out into the level and nature of the
deterioration using the 'worksite card system' has lead to the specification
of the type of tests and analysis necessary (now in progress).
following have been proposed:
-cleaning tests on the brick paving (oxidized parts and cemented parts).
-cleaning tests on stone elements (coupled orders and relative support
slabs, pilasters, archeological fragments).
-cleaning tests on painted and unpainted intonaco.
-stratigraphic tests through the preparation of small square sample areas
and chromatic scales using the scalpel and through the analysis of stratigraphic
sections, in order to determine the color changes of the surfaces over
time and their possible decorations (on the wall, lunette, vault, facade).
investigative tests through the removal of small areas of intonaco in
order to check characteristics and type; the purpose of these tests is
to answer various questions relating to history, composition of the material
and conditions of deterioration. o archeological excavation surveys carried
out with the aim of furthering historical and material knowledge of the
monument and acquiring information on the static condition of the foundations,
the distribution of humidity and movement of water in the soil. In particular,
a large excavation will be made on the north side of the open space within
the cloister to look for evidence of the offset of the foundations of
the wall on which the columns rest and to search for the foundation wall
of the aisle of the Carolingian basilica and its floor level.
excavations will be carried out with the stratigraphic method and all
the stratigraphic units identified will be graphically recorded and the
archeological fragments that come to light will be catalogued. Samples
of all the constituent materials that it is possible to take without causing
any damage to the cloister will be collected and forwarded for laboratory
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Monica Morbidelli
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Augustinian Community of
the Monastery of Ss. Quattro Coronati